Taking advantage of the discounted rates for BAPCA members (see Why Join BAPCA?), I decided to take out a year's sub to WAPCEPC (the World Association for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling).
Then - demonstrating conclusively that I need to get a life - I decided to have a go at producing my own desktop index to the full collection of PCEP Journals (2002-09).
What I've done is to save the link page for every paper in every issue of the journals as an html file, and then I've combined all those files into a single pdf - which is obviously searchable by keywords and handy in itself.
But I've also activated all the links in the document and, if you click on the title of any of the papers, it will take you to the actual download page for that paper. If you are logged in you can read or download the paper in question. If you don't have a membership / login, at least you can read the abstracts and remind yourself of where to find the paper in your hard copy (if you're a BAPCA member) - or simply drool at the collection and/or save up your pennies (if you're not).
You can download my index from:
PCEP Desktop Index Beta
Don't be put off by the truncated titles on the first couple of pages - that's something that WAPCEPC sorted out after the first (short) Volume - the rest of the index shows the full titles of all the papers.
Hope you find it useful!
If you desperately need sight of any of the papers, why not join PCAyorks and we’ll see what we can do to help?
Some (generous) comments on my little innovation:
Wow! Impressive.
[Janet Tolan / Liverpool John Moores University / BACP Fellow / author]
I feel this is potentially pretty useful, particularly when I am doing a lit review at the moment! Maybe you want to talk to the WA people and see about them offering it on their website [...] I feel this is a quick and easy way through for PCEP readers to find that lost article that they know is there somewhere. [Mark Harrison, MBACP / BAPCA trustee]
WOW Paul very impressive indeed, and so fast!
[Linda Heavon, Knowsley Council / BAPCA trustee / President-elect of Bootle Club of Soroptimist International / Therapist]
I've just visited your index, must have taken you ages! Thanks very much, I'm sure it will be a useful resource.
[Paula Newman, GQHP, UKRC, BACP (Accred) / Counsellor and Hypnotherapist]
[Jackie Taylor MBACP, UKCP registered psychotherapist]
Oh, that's brill, many thanks! I'll need to study how to get to the info for a while, but look forward to getting there!
[Shirley Jolley / BACP / BAPCA / occasional author]
Thanks for sharing this - it's a fantastic quick resource. I'd like to share it with students on the course I work on.
[David Murphy Nottingham University]
[Ralph Wallin, BAPCA]
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