Why join PCAyorks?

PCAyorks is a local group/network of BAPCA (the British Association for the Person-Centred Approach), and is open to practitioners, students and anyone interested in the application of the Approach in their personal or professional life.

It draws its membership from across the Yorkshire & the Humber region (although geography is less important than an interest in the Approach – as reflected in its UPPER/lower case name).


MEETINGS currently take place in Leeds at The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, St. Mark's House, 1 St. Mark's Avenue, Leeds LS2 9BN (opposite the Engineering department of Leeds University at the top of the road with Notre Dame Six Form College).

Here's a Google Maps link: http://goo.gl/HQEtX

Those attending will be required to make a £1 contribution to venue costs.

If Friday evenings are not good for anyone who would like to attend in future, please let us know.

Do please let your friends and colleagues know:

ALL WELCOME!!Bradford city centre – although we are keen to meet in other parts of the region if members wish to host meetings elsewhere. Meetings seek to offer a mix of unstructured community space and more focussed/structured sessions on issues chosen by members. We aim to offer mutual support, networking and a range of CPD opportunities.

EMAIL NETWORK – we keep members informed through a Google Group and (less frequently, we're ashamed to say) postings to the BLOG http://pcayorks.blogspot.com

MEMBERS’ LIBRARY – members have access to a large collection of articles, papers and journals online.

SUPPORT & EXPERT INPUT FOR COURSE PROVIDERS in Client-Centred Therapy/Counselling – our members aim to support training in the Approach by providing resources and offering to run sessions on any aspect of the Approach.

LOW FEE SUPERVISION AND/OR THERAPY FOR STUDENTS – we are committed to providing affordable services to students of the Approach. Contact us for further details.

REFERRAL SERVICE FOR THOSE SEEKING A COUNSELLOR / THERAPIST, SUPERVISOR, GROUPWORKER, TRAINER, RESEARCHER OR CONSULTANT WORKING WITHIN THE APPROACH – our members have a wealth of experience in applying the Person-Centred Approach in a variety of fields. Contact us for further details.


TO JOIN PCAyorks - or for further information - contact:

M: 07862 175114
E: pcayorks@yahoo.co.uk
W: http://pcayorks.blogspot.com