PCAyorks Meetings

The MOST RECENT MEETING took place on SATURDAY 15th JUNE 2013 from 10:00am to 1:00pm at The Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, St. Mark's House, 1 St. Mark's Avenue, LEEDS LS2 9BN (opposite the Engineering department of Leeds University at the top of the road with Notre Dame Six Form College).

Here's a Google Maps link: http://goo.gl/HQEtX

Those attending will be required to make a £3 contribution to venue costs.

THE NEXT MEETING HAS YET TO BE AGREED UPON - watch this space or contact pcayorks@yahoo.co.uk for further information.


There is now a second group which meets monthly in BRADFORD.  The NEXT MEETING will take place on SUNDAY 21st JULY (from 10.30-12.30). For directions, confirmations and further information, contact Ruth Moore (ruth.moore4 AT btinternet.com).


Do please let your friends and colleagues know: