Thursday, March 30, 2006

PCA Papers Nos.5-6

Patterson is not the only one to have had a crack at the old transference thing. Although, at the time of writing, no-one has downloaded Paper No.4, when you eventually do you will find that these two papers complement that one and expand further on this particular theme:

To download: click on the link/s above - each should take you to the Rapidshare download page. Scroll down and select the 'Free' download option and then a page will open with the link to the actual document. Clicking on this will give you the option of either opening the document or saving it to a location of your choosing. Any problems email


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

PCA Papers No.4

This paper by C H (Pat) Patterson considers the issues of transference and counter-transference (not something we necessarily 'believe' in), promoting a clearer understanding of what others mean and how it all fits in with the PCA:

To read/view this file you will need Adobe Acrobat reader. If you do not have Acrobat Reader Download it now!


Monday, March 27, 2006

PCA Workshops in Brighton

Saturday 20 May 2006
One-day Workshop facilitated by Colin Lago - "Peace or War? Healing or Discrimination? Forgiveness or Aggression? The Challenges of the Contemporary World to Being a Therapist"
Cost £35

Thursday 20 July 2006
One-day International Workshop facilitated by Goff Barrett-Lennard (Perth, Australia) - "Uncovering the process spectrum and a potential healing continuum"
Cost £40

Saturday 30 September 2006
One-day International Workshop facilitated by Kathy Moon (Chicago, USA) - Provisional Title: 'Congruence and the Spontaneous Response'
Cost £40

Saturday 25 November 2006
One-day Workshop facilitated by Sue Wilders - Provisional Title: 'Working with Drug and Alcohol Users in a (purely) Person-Centred Way'.
Cost £35

For further details of all above workshops, please see the new website:

To book a workshop please contact:
Peter Hunt T: 01273 732606 /

Full payment is required at the time of booking to secure a place for any workshop. All cheques should be made out to "Person-Centred Community". Please write on the back of the cheque which workshop(s) your payment is for and post it to: Peter Hunt, 80 Cowper Street, Hove, BN3 5BN.


Friday, March 24, 2006

Children-related stuff

Suicidal children
More than 1,000 suicidal children rang Child Line for help last year. The figure was 14 per cent up on 2003-2004. Most were teenage girls and some had already tried to kill themselves. ChildLine is now so worried at the rising numbers it is urging the Health Department to carry out a study of suicide in the young. It also wants every school to have a staff member responsible for pupils` mental welfare.

School calls in Samaritans
Pupils at one of Scotland's leading private schools have set up their own branch of the Samaritans to help youngsters who suffer at the hands of bullies. More than a dozen sixth formers at George Watson`s College have received counselling training from the charity, which is more commonly known for its telephone advice to adults considering suicide. Pupils at the 7,500-a-year Edinburgh school will now work with 12 to 17-year-olds whose problems may be as diverse as getting abusive text messages, being intimidated or excluded from a group, to experiencing physical violence. The counsellors will also deal with other emotional traumas, such as family bereavement.

From Counselling Newsletter March 2006

Leeds Children & Families Resource Directory
Online (presumably up-to-date):
PDF (August 2004 edition):


Thursday, March 16, 2006

PCA Papers No.3

Now I can tell that some of you are actually downloading these papers, I may respond in the form of a little flurry of stuff. Here's another one from Jerold Bozarth which deals a serious theoretical body blow to those who may have strayed from the classical PCA:

To download: click on the link above - this should take you to the Rapidshare download page. Scroll down and select the 'Free' download option and then a page will open with the link to actual document. Clicking on this will give you the option of either opening the document or saving it to a location of your choosing.
Any problems email


Wednesday, March 15, 2006

PCA Papers No.2

Following on from Paper No. 1, this one has a go at busting a few more major misconceptions.

To download: click on the link above - this should take you to the Rapidshare download page. Scroll down and select the 'Free' download option and then a page will open with the link to actual document. Clicking on this will give you the option of either opening the document or saving it to a location of your choosing.
Any problems email


Thursday, March 09, 2006

PCA Papers No.1

We promised to start posting up PCA papers and here's the first of what promises to be a highly irregular series. Keep checking the blog for new additions. If you have anything in digital format, or links to ones you think are worth letting others know about, don't be shy. Why not publish your own work too - not just stuff by the 'big guns' (how'd you think they started!?).

Anyhow, here is one of my personal favourites:

Happy reading. Comments on the paper are welcome too, if you feel suitably inspired.

To download: click on the link above - this should take you to the Rapidshare download page. Scroll down and select the 'Free' download option and then a page will open with the link to actual document. Clicking on this will give you the option of either opening the document or saving it to a location of your choosing.
Any problems email