Not strictly (in fact hardly ever!) PCA-related, but nevertheless a useful resource for those of us working in NHS provided/funded mental health services,
NIMHE – The National Institute for Mental Health In England - is responsible for "supporting the implementation of positive change in mental health and mental health services".
It has recently become part of the
Care Services Improvement Partnership, whose main sponsor is the
Department of Health.
There are eight development centres, (our own regional centre being
NIMHE NEYH - North East, Yorkshire & Humber), through which the majority of the work is delivered.
There is also something called the NIMHE
Knowledge Community – something you might use as a resource, or join in a more active way – and links to other resources, such as the
Mental Health Library.
When it gets its website sorted, The NIMHE (now CSIP) Newsletter is usually worth getting – you could try subscribing to it (one pdf every couple of months) by emailing
A copy of the latest newsletter (May-June 2006) can be downloaded from:[CLICK ON FREE DOWNLOAD AND FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS. Any problems, contact ]